655 Summit Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Tang PC, a law firm based in New York/New Jersey, U.S.A. Our practices include Commercial & Business Law, Intellectual Property, Immigration Law, Family Law and Will Trust & Estate. We service local and global clients.
湯氏律師事務所2009年始於美國紐約及新澤西州。盡心盡責信誉卓著,以豐富經驗 贏得遍佈美國國内及全球各地的客戶。 我們提供各類高質量和經濟的全方位法律服務。我們希望成為客戶在事業和個人法律事務上的忠實而可靠的夥伴。

本所專長法律服務涵蓋民事訴訟及刑事辯護,專精跨國商業及投資訴訟,中國跨國電商訴訟,跨國追債;商業及公司法,知識產權法,包括商標專利版權注冊及相關訴訟;家事婚姻領養法,遺囑信托及財產規劃,以及移民法,包括各類家庭職業移民綠卡,專長與傑出人才(EB1A), 跨國高管調職(L1/EB1C), 投資移民(EB5 & E2), 以及H1B簽證。歡迎咨詢,為全球客戶24X7服務。

John Y. Tang, Esq. is the founder of Tang PC and has served as the managing partner since 2009. Mr. Tang is admitted in State of New York and New Jersey. In the past 12 years, Mr. Tang has litigated civil and criminal cases in Federal Court in Southern, Western and Eastern District of New York, District of New Jersey, Northern District of Illinois and various State Courts. Mr. Tang’s practice areas include civil litigation and criminal defense, corporate & commercial law, intellectual property law, family law and immigration law. Mr. Tang received J.D. degree from Rutgers University School of Law.
本所的創立者和法定負責人,擁有美國新澤西州和紐約州律師執照。客戶和業務遍及全美和全球各地。湯泳律師具有豐富的經驗, 包括民事訴訟和刑事辯護,公司商業訴訟,知識產權訴訟和移民案件。湯泳律師創立本所前服務於中美著名公司多年,包括 Merrill Lynch & Co., Bank of New York 及 Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., 出任副總裁及部門總管等職務,擔任美國硅谷高科技公司咨詢委員會委員。湯泳律師獲得 Rutgers University School of Law法學博土學位及Stevens Institute of Technology 電腦科學學位。 湯泳律師致力服務社會, 盡力為需法律援助但無經濟能力的民眾提供無償服務。
Employment Opportunities
Lawyer. Intvw. clients incl. var. ethnic minorities & investigate factual evidence. Advise clients re: legal matters. Perf. legal rsrch. & anlyz. legal issues. Draft & review legal docs such as pleadings, motions, affidavits & transactional docs such as contracts, real estate leases, trusts. Negotiate settlements of civil disputes. Offer legal representation to clients in court proceedings. Comm. w/ var. parties involved in case. Req. JD degree from accredited law school. Active status of bar admission in State of NJ & NY req’d. Bar admission in add’l. jurisdictions pref’d. Ext. knowl. & exp. of Civil litigation in State & Fed. Court, comm’l. & business law, immigration law, & intellectual property law. Exp. w/ diagnosing complex probls., dvlpg’. eff. recomms., negotiating resolutions, & resolving issues in prof’l. manner. Prof. in MS Office & info retrieval s/ware. Fam. w/ Asian culture & customs is pref’d. $140,000/yr. Send resume to: John Y. Tang, Esq., 655 Summit Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601.